Performance Testing

Our performance testing is to help everyone train smarter not harder, and is a critical component of any training program. Regular performance testing is a great way to track your progress, enhance your training and refine your skills to get the most from your cycling.


Functional Threshold Power Testing

Members: FREE
Casual: $35

Functional Threshold Power (FTP) Testing is undertaken approximately every eight weeks during our scheduled indoor sessions and an inclusion of membership packages.

The aim is to provide us with information that helps structure our sessions to support your goals. In most of your sessions you will be working on a percentage of your FTP. The test is a 20 minute indoor time trial on a flat course. At the end of your test you receive an email with your Normalised Power (NP) and your test data broken down to show you more specific power, heart rate, speed and cadence information. The system automatically generates your FTP number and updates your profile so you are ready to go for your next session.

Contact us to make an appointment.

Lactate Threshold Testing

Members: $215
Casual: $250

Lactate Threshold Testing (LTT) is the most accurate way to determine your training zones. Establishing your threshold is key to understanding your capability, which is crucial to increasing performance.

Your muscles always produce lactate, even at rest. Lactate increases incrementally with exercise intensity, and when you reach an intensity where lactate increases exponentially, you are crossing the LT. Above this threshold, lactic acid builds rapidly and fatigue sets in. Efforts at or just below the threshold can be sustained for long periods of time by those well-trained.

To increase how long you can maintain your highest power output in endurance events, you must increase your power at this threshold. Too much training above the threshold can result in overtraining, whilst training too far below the threshold will not improve your performance. So knowing this information is crucial.

The testing appointment is one hour and requires you following some instructions for preparation, including 2 rest days prior to the test. (You will receive an email with the full instructions when you book.) After your test you will receive a document with your power and heart rate training zones. Our coach performing the test will talk you through the data, provide you with a report and answer any questions you have.

Contact us to make your appointment and start taking steps to training smarter.

Technique Analysis

Members: $100
Casual: $120

Proper technique helps you increase power and efficiency, and reduces risk of injury. Our head coach Cameron will observe your riding on a trainer one on one and give you direction on your pedal technique, position and stability on your bike. By adjusting your technique you will find the correct and possibly new muscles are activated. At first you may see a drop in power output and experience some muscle soreness. However, the more you use these muscles during the analysis and in your regular training you will find your power and efficiency increases.

For the best results we recommend a one hour analysis to begin with and 30 minute check up appointments as needed. We use Wahoo KICKR (Snap and Direct Drive) trainers indoors so you do not have any distractions. State of the art technology is combined with data to create effective indoor training and produce a report at the end. You will need your bike and your normal cycling equipment, excluding helmet.

Technique analysis is booked by appointment, contact us.